November 16, 2021
A message from FREEDOM FUN USA Founder, Tim:
I admit, I’m anxious to get my share of the turkey! For a moment, I want to pause and say thank you – every day I get up and I’m amazed at how FREEDOM FUN USA has grown. We have a big family of Franchisees, we have awesome staff members, we have a beautiful headquarters. AND I’m blessed with a beautiful family that I love and appreciate. I continue to be astounded at the bountiful blessings all around me.
I wanted to send out a BIG thank you to all our FRANCHISEES. I’m not just grateful during this season, I’m grateful for you every day. What a wonderful group of people we have, folks who work to be successful while knowing that serving others is the foundation we build on. I’m so glad you’re part of our family.
SO, I’m giving THANKS for you this day and every day. May you and yours all be abundantly blessed, prosperous, and be mightily successful in all that you do.