February 08, 2022
South Austin experienced advanced training over this past weekend! Coach Tim guided everyone through the FREEDOM FUN USA Culture and how it evolved. Then he defined the FFU marketing approach, providing stories and examples throughout. On Day Two, there was even more info on building an FFU business. Angel, Nina, Daniel, and Josh jumped in with both feet – they enjoyed the full experience!
As you can see from the photos, they had an opportunity to view the laser tag experience from multiple perspectives – the customers’, the coaches’, and the bosses’ viewpoints. Zack shared stories to exemplify the passion behind our dedication to fun and stress-free events. It was an arduous two days, yet everyone powered through and came out tired and quite proud of themselves for surviving!
In addition to the laser tag experience, Danielle taught us all about our tracking system and reviewed scheduling, customers, and reports. It’s those details that keep everything going smoothly! Now South Austin is ready to go!
What are they ready for? They are ramping up for the big grand opening coming up soon. Lots of activity and invites to VIPs! First the ribbon cutting and then the games begin! Wow!
Thanks to our South Austin Team for showing up, for being there 100%, and for working so hard! Thanks to our South Austin Team for showing up, for being there 100%, and for working so hard!