New & One Of A Kind Drive-In Movie Screen! Wow 😱
May 02, 2021
The New & One Of A Kind Inflatable Drive-In Movie Screen! Wow 😱
Probably one of the most exciting and successful product launches that we’ve ever had has been our one of a kind giant inflatable drive-in movie option. This product has seen growth like no other. Zack Masters, who is Tim’s son and leads Austin operations, deep dived into this need many months ago, identifying the requirements & sourcing a unique product offerring that no competitor in the area offers. This inflatable movie screen is unlike any other in Texas & is specifically made for drive-in’s. These screens are simply “jaw dropping” and when people see them – positive word of mouth & social media exposure quickly follows leading to reservations filling up months in advance.
Although our focus is shifting to Houston , we still have territories available in Dallas and San Antonio. Next year we plan to open our first out of state franchise as well. We really do believe that “Every Town In America Needs a Freedom Fun USA!”
You can follow us for constant updates about our events, drive-in movies & more on Instagram and Facebook. @freedomfunusa